What Algorithm to use when?¶
Colour Look and Feel includes a multitude of both state-of-the art, as well as established algorithms to accomplish the same thing with slight variances.
Chromatic Adaptation¶
For chromatic adaptation, the most basic and widely used algorithm is a linear Bradford transform. This can be accomplished with the CLF_LinearAdaptation node. Different other linear transforms can be easily evaluated for their suitability by selecting them in the CLF_LinearAdaptation node parameters.
The Bartleson transform implemented in the CLF_BartlesonAdaptation node also implements a straight-forward chromatic adaption by specifying a source and target white point.
The nodes CLF_CMCCAT2000Adaptation and CLF_CMCCAT1997Adaptation implement a more elaborate chromatic adaptation scheme for which additional luminance of the source and or target white points can be specified. In a similar manner CLF_Fairchild1990Adaptation allows an additional source luminance to be specified, as well as other transition factors.
The Zhai-Luo adaptation CLF_ZhaiLuoAdaptation is a state-of-the-art chromatic adaptation algorithm that takes into account multiple values including a sample and base-point white-point in addition to the source and target white points. As such this node requires more careful consideration for use and parameter value selection.
The CIE1994 chromatic adaptation CLF_CIE1994Adaptation is fairly hard to use and extremely sensitive to the provided input parameters and should be avoided unless required in a specific context.
The Burnham adaptation CLF_BurnhamAdaptation allows adaptation only between CIE A, B and C illuminants.
If you are not sure start with a linear chromatic adaptation using the CLF_LinearAdaptation node and work from there.