The following provides brief descriptions of common terms and their meaning in this manual.
- Chromatic Adaptation
A similar functionality as white balance in cameras. It allows transition of an image between different illuminants such as tungsten (3000K) to daylight (6000K). However by comparison to white-balancing it takes into account further color science and colorimetry related aspects.
- Illuminant
An illuminant is a mathematical description of a light source’s spectral power distribution, used to define standard lighting conditions for color measurement and reproduction.
- Luminosity
Strength of a light source, generally in SI units of Candela per Square Meter, cd/m2.
Correlated color temperature, is the radiated light temperature of planckian black body radiator of a given heat.
Color Component Transfer Function a function used to convert between non-linear color spaces.
Electro-Optical Transfer Function a Color Component Transfer Function (CCTF) to convert to a non-linear color space from a linear one.
Opto-Electrical Transfer Function a Color Component Transfer Function (CCTF) to convert from a non-linear color space to a linear one.