Math Vector Library 1.1 Advanced Trigonometry Extension
Programming Reference Manual C/C++
Version 1.1 DD-00012-011

Math Vector Library 1.1 Advanced Trigonometry Extension
Reference Manual (C/C++)

Jan Adelsbach

February 19, 2025
1 About this Guide
1.1 Legal Information
1.2 Feedback and Contact
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Audience for This Guide
1.5 How to Use This Guide
1.6 Conventions Used in This Guide
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Thread Safety
2.3 SIMD/SPMD Unit Usage
2.4 Performance Characteristics
2.5 Extended Vector Sizes (_64 suffix functions)
3 Standard Real Trigonometric Functions
3.1 vatsin - Vector sine sin(x)
3.2 vatcos - Vector cosine cos(x)
3.3 vattan - Vector tangent tan(x)
3.4 vatcsc - Vector cosecant csc(x)
3.5 vatsec - Vector secant sec(x)
3.6 vatcot - Vector cotangent cot(x)
3.7 vatasin - Vector arcsine   -1
sin  (x)
3.8 vatacos - Vector arccosine   -1
cos  (x)
3.9 vatatan - Vector arctangent    -1
tan (x)
3.10 vatacsc - Vector arccosecant    -1
csc (x)
3.11 vatasec - Vector arcsecant   -1
sec  (x)
3.12 vatacot - Vector arccotangent    -1
cot  (x)
4 Standard Real Trigonometric Functions (Half-Cycle)
4.1 vatsinpi - Vector half-cycle sine sin(πx)
4.2 vatcospi - Vector half-cycle cosine cos(πx)
4.3 vattanpi - Vector half-cycle tangent tan(πx)
4.4 vatcscpi - Vector half-cycle cosecant csc(πx)
4.5 vatsecpi - Vector half-cycle secant sec(πx)
4.6 vatcotpi - Vector half-cycle cotangent cot(πx)
4.7 vatasinpi - Vector half-cycle arcsine    -1
sin (x)/π
4.8 vatacospi - Vector half-cycle arccosine   -1
cos  (x)/π
4.9 vatatanpi - Vector half-cycle arctangent    -1
tan  (x)/π
4.10 vatacscpi - Vector half-cycle arccosecant   -1
csc  (x)/π
4.11 vatasecpi - Vector half-cycle arcsecant   -1
sec (x)/π
4.12 vatacotpi - Vector half-cycle arccotangent   -1
cot  (x)/π
5 Standard Real Trigonometric Functions (Degrees)
5.1 vatsind - Vector sine sin(x)
5.2 vatcosd - Vector cosine cos(x)
5.3 vattand - Vector tangent tan(x)
5.4 vatcscd - Vector cosecant csc(x)
5.5 vatsecd - Vector secant sec(x)
5.6 vatcotd - Vector cotangent cot(x)
5.7 vatasind - Vector arcsine   -1
sin  (x)
5.8 vatacosd - Vector arccosine   -1
cos  (x)
5.9 vatatand - Vector arctangent    -1
tan (x)
5.10 vatacscd - Vector arccosecant    -1
csc (x)
5.11 vatasecd - Vector arcsecant   -1
sec  (x)
5.12 vatacotd - Vector arccotangent    -1
cot  (x)
6 Standard Real Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
6.1 vatsinh - Vector hyperbolic sine sinh(x)
6.2 vatcosh - Vector hyperbolic cosine cosh(x)
6.3 vattanh - Vector hyperbolic tangent tanh(x)
6.4 vatcsch - Vector hyperbolic cosecant csch(x)
6.5 vatsech - Vector hyperbolic secant sech(x)
6.6 vatcoth - Vector hyperbolic cotangent coth(x)
6.7 vatasinh - Vector hyperbolic arcsine    -1
sinh  (x)
6.8 vatacosh - Vector hyperbolic arccosine    -1
cosh  (x)
6.9 vatatanh - Vector hyperbolic arctangent     -1
tanh  (x)
6.10 vatacsch - Vector hyperbolic arccosecant     -1
csch  (x)
6.11 vatasech - Vector hyperbolic arcsecant    -1
sech  (x)
6.12 vatacoth - Vector hyperbolic arccotangent     -1
coth  (x)
7 Versine Functions
7.1 vatver - Vector versine ver(x)
7.2 vatvcs - Vector vercosine vcs(x)
7.3 vatcvs - Vector coversine cvs(x)
7.4 vatcvc - Vector covercosine cvc(x)
7.5 vathav - Vector haversine hav(x)
7.6 vathac - Vector havercosine hac(x)
7.7 vathcv - Vector hacoversine hcv(x)
7.8 vathcc - Vector hacoversine hcc(x)
7.9 vataver - Vector arcversine    -1
ver  (x)
7.10 vatavcs - Vector arcvercosine    -1
vcs (x)
7.11 vatacvs - Vector arccoversine    -1
cvs (x)
7.12 vatacvc - Vector arccovercosine   -1
cvc  (x)
7.13 vatahav - Vector archaversine    -1
hav  (x)
7.14 vatahac - Vector archavercosine    -1
hac  (x)
7.15 vatahcv - Vector archacoversine    -1
hcv  (x)
7.16 vatahcc - Vector archacovercosine   -1
hcc (x)
8 Versine Functions (Half-Cycle)
8.1 vatverpi - Vector half-cycle versine ver(πx)
8.2 vatvcspi - Vector half-cycle vercosine vcs(πx)
8.3 vatcvspi - Vector half-cycle coversine cvs(πx)
8.4 vatcvcpi - Vector half-cycle covercosine cvc(πx)
8.5 vathavpi - Vector half-cycle haversine hav(πx)
8.6 vathacpi - Vector half-cycle havercosine hac(πx)
8.7 vathcvpi - Vector half-cycle hacoversine hcv(πx)
8.8 vathccpi - Vector half-cycle hacovercosine hcc(πx)
8.9 vataverpi - Vector half-cycle arcversine   -1
ver  (x)/π
8.10 vatavcspi - Vector half-cycle arcvercosine    -1
vcs  (x)/π
8.11 vatacvspi - Vector hald-cycle arccoversine   -1
cvs  (x)/π
8.12 vatacvcpi - Vector half-cycle arccovercosine   -1
cvc (x)/π
8.13 vatahavpi - Vector half-cycle archaversine    -1
hav (x)/π
8.14 vatahacpi - Vector half-cycle archacovercosine    -1
hac  (x)/π
8.15 vatahcvpi - Vector half-cycle archacoversine    -1
hcv  (x)/π
8.16 vatahccpi - Vector half-cycle archacovercosine    -1
hcc (x)/π
9 Versine Functions (Degrees)
9.1 vatverd - Vector versine ver(x)
9.2 vatvcsd - Vector vercosine vcs(x)
9.3 vatcvsd - Vector coversine cvs(x)
9.4 vatcvcd - Vector covercosine cvc(x)
9.5 vathavd - Vector haversine hav(x)
9.6 vathacd - Vector havercosine hac(x)
9.7 vathcvd - Vector hacoversine hcv(x)
9.8 vathccd - Vector hacovercosine hcc(x)
9.9 vataverd - Vector arcversine    -1
ver  (x)
9.10 vatavcsd - Vector arcvercosine    -1
vcs (x)
9.11 vatacvsd - Vector arccoversine    -1
cvs (x)
9.12 vatacvcd - Vector arcovercosine   -1
cvc (x)
9.13 vatahavd - Vector archaversine    -1
hav  (x)
9.14 vatahacd - Vector archavercosine    -1
hac  (x)
9.15 vatahcvd - Vector archacoversine    -1
hcv  (x)
9.16 vatahccd - Vector archacovercosine   -1
hcc (x)
10 Cardinal Trigonometric Functions
10.1 vatsinc - Vector cardinal sine sinc(x)
10.2 vatcosc - Vector cardinal cosine cosc(x)
10.3 vattanc - Vector cardinal tangent tanc(x)
11 Cardinal Normalized Trigonometric Functions
11.1 vatsincpi - Vector cardinal sine sincπ(x)
11.2 vatcoscpi - Vector cardinal cosine coscπ(x)
11.3 vattancpi - Vector cardinal tangent tancπ(x)
12 Cardinal Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
12.1 vatsinhc - Vector cardinal hyperbolic sine sinhc(x)
12.2 vatcoshc - Vector cardinal hyperbolic cosine coshc(x)
12.3 vattanhc - Vector cardinal hyperbolic tangent tanhc(x)
13 Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions Minus X
13.1 vatsinhmx - Vector hyperbolic sine minus x sinh(x)-x
13.2 vatcoshmx - Vector hyperbolic cosine minus x cosh(x)-x
13.3 vattanhmx - Vector hyperbolic tangent minus x tanh(x)-x
14 Exsecant and Excosecant
14.1 vatexs - Vector exsecant exs(x)
14.2 vatexc - Vector excosecant exc(x)
14.3 vataexs - Vector arcexsecant    -1
exs  (x)
14.4 vataexc - Vector arcexcosecant    -1
exc  (x)
15 Exsecant and Excosecant (Half-Cycle)
15.1 vatexspi - Vector half-cycle exsecant exs(πx)
15.2 vatexcpi - Vector half-cycle excosecant exc(πx)
15.3 vataexspi - Vector half-cycle arcexsecant   -1
exs (x)/π
15.4 vataexcpi - Vector half-cycle arcexcosecant    -1
exc  (x)/π
16 Exsecant and Excosecant (Degree)
16.1 vatexsd - Vector exsecant exs(x)
16.2 vatexcd - Vector excosecant exc(x)
16.3 vataexsd - Vector arcexsecant    -1
exs  (x)
16.4 vataexcd - Vector arcexcosecant    -1
exc  (x)
17 Chord
17.1 vatcrd - Vector chord crd(x)
17.2 vatacrd - Vector arcchord   -1
crd  (x)
18 Gudermannian
18.1 vatgd - Vector Gudermannian function gd(x)
18.2 vatagd - Vector inverse Gudremannian function   -1
gd  (x)
19 Standard Complex Trigonometric Functions
19.1 vatcsin - Vector complex sine sin(x)
19.2 vatccos - Vector complex cosine cos(x)
19.3 vatctan - Vector complex tangent tan(x)
19.4 vatccsc - Vector complex cosecant csc(x)
19.5 vatcsec - Vector complex secant sec(x)
19.6 vatccot - Vector complex cotangent cot(x)
19.7 vatcasin - Vector complex arcsine   -1
sin  (x)
19.8 vatcacos - Vector complex arccosine   -1
cos  (x)
19.9 vatcatan - Vector complex arctangent    -1
tan (x)
19.10 vatcacsc - Vector complex arccosecant    -1
csc  (x)
19.11 vatcasec - Vector complex arcsecant   -1
sec  (x)
19.12 vatcacot - Vector complex arccotangent   -1
cot  (x)
20 Standard Complex Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
20.1 vatcsinh - Vector complex hyperbolic sine sinh(x)
20.2 vatccosh - Vector complex hyperbolic cosine cosh(x)
20.3 vatctanh - Vector complex hyperbolic tangent tanh(x)
20.4 vatccsch - Vector complex hyperbolic cosecant csch(x)
20.5 vatcsech - Vector complex hyperbolic secant sech(x)
20.6 vatccoth - Vector complex hyperbolic cotangent coth(x)
20.7 vatcasinh - Vector complex hyperbolic arcsine    -1
sinh  (x)
20.8 vatcacosh - Vector complex hyperbolic arccosine     -1
cosh  (x)
20.9 vatcatanh - Vector complex hyperbolic arctangent     -1
tanh (x)
20.10 vatcacsch - Vector complex hyperbolic arccosecant     -1
csch  (x)
20.11 vatcasech - Vector complex hyperbolic arcsecant    -1
sech  (x)
20.12 vatcacoth - Vector complex hyperbolic arccotangent    -1
coth  (x)
21 Complex Versine Functions
21.1 vatcver - Vector complex versine ver(x)
21.2 vatcvcs - Vector complex vercosine vcs(x)
21.3 vatccvs - Vector complex coversine cvs(x)
21.4 vatccvc - Vector complex covercosine cvc(x)
21.5 vatchav - Vector complex haversine hav(x)
21.6 vatchac - Vector complex havercosine hac(x)
21.7 vatchcv - Vector complex hacoversine hcv(x)
21.8 vatchcc - Vector complex hacovercosine hcc(x)
21.9 vatcaver - Vector complex arcversine    -1
ver  (x)
21.10 vatcavcs - Vector complex arcvercosine    -1
vcs (x)
21.11 vatcacvs - Vector complex arccoversine    -1
cvs (x)
21.12 vatcacvc - Vector complex arccovercosine   -1
cvc (x)
21.13 vatcahav - Vector complex archaversine    -1
hav  (x)
21.14 vatcahac - Vector complex archavercosine    -1
hac  (x)
21.15 vatcahcv - Vector complex archacoversine    -1
hcv  (x)
21.16 vatcahcc - Vector complex archacovercosine    -1
hcc (x)
22 Complex Cardinal Trigonometric Functions
22.1 vatcsinc - Vector complex cardinal sine sinc(x)
22.2 vatccosc - Vector complex caridnal cosine cosc(x)
22.3 vatctanc - Vector complex cardinal tangent tanc(x)
23 Complex Cardinal Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions
23.1 vatcsinhc - Vector complex cardinal hyperbolic sine sinhc(x)
23.2 vatccoshc - Vector complex caridnal hyperbolic cosine coshc(x)
23.3 vatctanhc - Vector complex cardinal hyperbolic tangent tanhc(x)
24 Complex Hyperbolic Trigonometric Minus X Functions
24.1 vatcsinhmx - Vector complex hyperbolic sine minus x sinh(x)-x
24.2 vatccoshmx - Vector complex hyperbolic cosine minus x cosh(x)-x
24.3 vatctanhmx - Vector complex hyperbolic tangent minus x tanh(x)-x
25 Complex Gudermannian
25.1 vatcgd - Vector complex Gudermannian gd(x)
25.2 vatcagd - Vector complex inverse Gudermannian   -1
gd  (x)
26 Acknowledgements
