rwmtx_init(3) Library Functions Manual rwmtx_init(3) NAME rwmtx_init – initialize a read/write lock SYNOPSIS library “threads” #include int rwmtx_init(rwmtx_t *rw, int type); DESCRIPTION The function rwmtx_init() initializes a read/write lock rw of the given type. The type argument can be either of rwmtx_private the read/write lock is not shared among child processes. rwmtx_shared the read/write lock is shared among child processes. RETURN VALUES Upon success rwmtx_init() returns thrd_success, otherwise thrd_error will be returned. SEE ALSO rwmtx_destroy(3) rwmtx_rdlock(3) rwmtx_wrlock(3) rwmtx_tryrdlock(3) rwmtx_trywrlock(3) rwmtx_timedrdlock(3) rwmtx_timedwrlock(3) rwmtx_unlock(3) HISTORY The rwmtx_init() function first appeared in the Adelsbach Enhanced Threading Library. AUTHORS Jan Adelsbach Debian May 9, 2020 Debian