Math Vector Library Machine Learning Extension
Programming Reference Manual C/C++
Version 1.0 DD-00004-010


1 About this Guide
1.1 Legal Information
1.2 Feedback and Contact
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Audience for This Guide
1.5 How to Use This Guide
1.6 Conventions Used in This Guide
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Thread Safety
2.3 SIMD/SPMD Unit Usage
2.4 Performance Characteristics
3 Utility
3.1 mvecmlver - Version query
3.1.1 Parameters
4 Activation functions
4.1 vmlsigm - Sigmoid activation
4.1.1 Parameters
4.2 vmlsigmd - Sigmoid activation (first derivative)
4.2.1 Parameters
4.3 vmlrelu - ReLU activation
4.3.1 Parameters
4.4 vmlrelud - ReLU activation (first derivative)
4.4.1 Parameters
4.5 vmltanh - Tanh activation
4.5.1 Parameters
4.6 vmltanhd - Tanh activation (first derivative)
4.6.1 Parameters
4.7 vmlsplu - Softplus activation
4.7.1 Parameters
4.8 vmlsplud - Softplus activation (first derivative)
4.8.1 Parameters
4.9 vmlgauss - Gaussian activation
4.9.1 Parameters
4.10 vmlgaussd - Gaussian activation (first derivative)
4.10.1 Parameters
4.11 vmlgelu - GELU activation
4.11.1 Parameters
4.12 vmlgelud - GELU activation (first derivative)
4.12.1 Parameters
4.13 vmlsilu - SiLU activation
4.13.1 Parameters
4.14 vmlsilud - SiLU activation (first derivative)
4.14.1 Parameters
4.15 vmlssgn - Softsign activation
4.15.1 Parameters
4.16 vmlssgnd - Softsign activation (first derivative)
4.16.1 Parameters
4.17 vmlmish - MISH activation
4.17.1 Parameters
4.18 vmlmishd - MISH activation (first derivative)
4.18.1 Parameters
4.19 vmlatan - Arctan activation
4.19.1 Parameters
4.20 vmlatand - Arctan activation (first derivative)
4.20.1 Parameters
4.21 vmlprelu - PReLU activation
4.21.1 Parameters
4.22 vmlprelud - PReLU activation (first derivative)
4.22.1 Parameters
4.23 vmlselu - SELU activation
4.23.1 Parameters
4.24 vmlselud - SELU activation (first derivative)
4.24.1 Parameters
5 Acknowledgements