Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Installation and Users Guide
Version 1.0 DD-00005-000
2.1.2 Installation

The distribution is delivered as a gzip(1) compressed tar(1) archive. The distribution is simply extracted.

In order to install the software extract the distribution archive matching the hardware and operating system platform into /opt/adelsbach using a deviation of the following commands:

mkdir -p /opt/adelsbach
tar xvf sn10.xxxx.pppp.vvvv.tgz /opt/adelsbach/

Where xxxx is the operating system, pppp is the platform and vvvv is the variant. The sn10 corresponds to version 1.0 of the distribution.

This will extract the distribution under /opt/adelsbach/snXY where XY are the major and minor version numbers. As such this allows multiple major and minor versions to be simultaneously installed on the same system.

After installation ensure the file permissions are set accordingly using chmod(1) and or chown(1), such that users have read permission to the distribution directory.