Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.0 DD-00006-010
6.2.10 Set comparison
bool contains(const std::complex<T>& v) const;
bool contains(const kc_interval<T>& o) const;
bool overlaps(const kc_interval<T>& o) const;

contains(const std::complex<T>& v)

Determines whether the given v ∈C  is in the current interval X ∈ KC  , that is v∈ X .

contains(const kc_interval<T>& o)

Determines whether the given O ∈ KC  is contained in the current interval X ∈KC  , that is O ∈ X .

overlaps(const kc_interval<T>& o)

Determines whether the given O ∈ KC  overlaps with the current interval X∈ KC  , that is ∃v∈ R such that v∈ O∧ v∈ X .