constexpr rc_interval() = default; constexpr rc_interval(const kc_interval<T>&) = default; constexpr rc_interval(const T& ri, const T& rs, const T& ii, const T& is); constexpr rc_interval(const interval<T>& r, const interval<T>& i); constexpr rc_interval(const std::complex<T>& s);
These are the constructors of the kc_interval<T> class. All constructors with the constexpr declaration specifier are implemented in inline.
Default constructor, leaves values uninitialized.
Copy constructor.
Assignment constructor where ri and rs are the real part infinimum and supremum and ii and is are the
imaginary part infinimum and supremum.
Assignment constructor, where r is the real part interval and i is the imaginary part interval.
Assignment constructor, assign this interval as a singleton .