Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.0 DD-00006-010
6.4.3 Set Operations KC
kc_interval<T> hull(const kc_interval<T>& a, const kc_interval<T>& b);
kc_interval<T> hull_radius(const kc_interval<T>& a, const kc_interval<T>& b);

These functions do set manipulations on KC  intervals.

hull(const kc_interval<T>& a, const kc_interval<T>& b)

Return an interval X ∈KC  that encloses both A,B ∈ KC  , that is A,B ∈X .

hull_radius(const kc_interval<T>& a, const kc_interval<T>& b)

Return an interval X ∈KC  that encloses both A,B ∈KC  , that is A,B ∈X by expanding the radius of the first interval A to enclose B .