Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.0 DD-00006-010

6.5 Complex Hausdorff Distance RC

std::complex<T> hausdorff_distance(const rc_interval<T>& a, const rc_interval<T>& b);
std::complex<T> hausdorff_distance_error(const rc_interval<T>& a, const rc_interval<T>& b);

The complex Hausdorff distance is the normal Hausdorff distance applied to the real and imaginary components individually.

hausdorff_distance(const rc_interval<T>&, const rc_interval<T>&)

Computes the hausdorff distance between the two given intervals A,B ∈IR  , as defined as:

d  (A,B)= max{|b-a |,|b-a-|}
  H           -- --

For X,Y ∈ RC  this becomes:

dH(X,Y )=dH(ℜi(X),ℜi(Y ))+ idH(ℑi(X),ℑi(Y))
hausdorff_distance_error(const rc_interval<T>&, const rc_interval<T>&)

Computes the hausdorff distance error between the two given intervals A,B ∈IR  , as defined as:

dHe = dH(A,B)

So in the case of X,Y ∈RC  :

dHe(X,Y)= dHe(ℜi(X),ℜi(Y))+idHe(ℑi(X),ℑi(Y))