Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.1 DD-00006-011

7.2.5 Comparison operators

bool operator==(const kaucher_interval<T>& o) const; 
bool operator!=(const kaucher_interval<T>& o) const; 
bool operator==(const std::pair<T,T>& o) const; 
bool operator!=(const std::pair<T,T>& o) const;

These two operators check the equality or inequality of the infinimum and supremum element-wise. Let T,O ∈KR  with T being the current instance, this and O being the given other interval to compare to, that is o:

operator==(const kaucher_interval<T>&) and operator==(const std::pair<T,T>&)

Set equality operation, as defined as (t= o)∧ (t= o)  . With either an other interval or a std::pair whose first element is interpreted as o and second element o .

operator!=(const kaucher_interval<T>&) and operator!=(const std::pair<T,T>&)

Set inequality operation, as defined as (t̸= o)∨ (t̸= o)  . With either an other interval or a std::pair whose first element is interpreted as o and second element o .