Stable Numerics Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.1 DD-00006-011

8.2 triplex<T> - Class Reference

The triplex<T> class represents a triplex number of the given template type T. The class checks that the latter type T matches one of the following types by a static_assert, this is to ensure that the class only gets instantiated for types that are actually implemented. The following types are supported:

8.2.1 Public Member Variables
8.2.2 Constructors
8.2.3 Assignment
8.2.4 Conversion functions
8.2.5 Comparison Operators
8.2.6 Normalization
8.2.7 Status functions
8.2.8 Special Assignment
8.2.9 Arithmetic Operators
8.2.10 Set comparisons
8.2.11 Metrics and R  conversion