In order to use the product, the header search path of the C/C++ compiler needs to be set to the include directory inside the distribution directory.
In order to link with the library the library search path needs to include lib or lib64 in the distribution directory and the application needs to be linked against the respective library used.
This can be accomplished as follows for the following compilers:
For the include search path use the -I flag, such as: -I/opt/adelsbach/cfslXY/include.
For the library search path use the -L flag, such as: -I/opt/adelsbach/cfslXY/lib or
-I/opt/adelsbach/cfslXY/lib64 for 64bit systems.
For linking against libcfsl use the -l flag, such as: -lcfsl.
Right-click in your Solution Explorer and Select Properties.
Add the folder the distribution was extracted to under Additional Library Directories.
Add the library to link against under Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies.
Add the header file folder under C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories.