Compressible Flow Subroutine Library
Programming Reference Manual
Version 1.0 DD-00008-010
3.7.9 arfrads - Rayleigh relations given (s-s*)/cp
void arfrads(double g, double ds, bool is_sub, double result[8], int *ierr);

Compute the rayleigh relations given the fanno line, (s-s*)/cp .



Argument Intent


g in

Specific heat constant γ .

ds in

Change in entropy           *
- ∞ < (s-s  )/cp<∞ .

is_sub in

Whether M corresponding to the given (s -s*)/c
       p is assumed to be sub- or super- sonic.

result out

Array with result properties as described in  5.

ierr out

(optional) Return status code

Status codes


Specific heat ratio γ≤ 1  .


Computed M out of range.


Given     *
(s -s )/cp out of range.


Iterative solver failed.