Colour Look and Feel Plugins
User's Guide
Version 1.0 DD-00010-010

3.3 CLF_CMCCAT1997Chroma - CMC CAT1997 Chromatic Adaptation

Internal Identifier: de.adelsbach.clf.CMCCAT1997Chroma

This node provides CMC CAT1997 chromatic adaptation. This adaptation method in addition to the source and target white points also takes into account the luminosity of the target in cd/m2   as well as a general induction factor. The node accepts RGBA data and outputs RGBA data, the alpha channel is passed through unchanged.

The following parameters are available:


Input output color space, see 2.2 for more information.


Induction value for the lighting conditions in the range [0,1]  . This is typically 1.0 for average lighting and 0.8 for dim lighting.

Source White Point

Source white point illuminant. Refer to 2.3 for parameter documentation.

Source Luminance

Luminance of the source white point illuminant in cd/m2   .

Target White Point

Target white point illuminant. Refer to 2.3 for parameter documentation.